Friday, 30 December 2022

May 2023 bring a new beginning


I hope that 2023 will bring us all a new beginning, where we can appreciate what we have with our society despite its political flaws. We know that by facing the challenges of Covid, we are going to muddle through.   2022 has been a year of unrest and upheaval, from violence and conflict around the globe, to the myth-making in Canadian politics.  Let’s hope that our political leaders can find a way to work for what is best for Canada, and not merely what they think is best for their election.

We know that we can’t forever keep taking from some to give to others, or discriminate against authentic merit to manipulate the creation of so-called social fairness.  We must learn to emphasize the freedom and responsibility to work and earn, rather than take subsidies from others.

It is not Canada’s heritage or way to live in a socialist failure culture, as there are enough international examples to be forewarned.  Our country has benefitted from a relatively free market economy.  We have grown accustomed to the winners and losers in the marketplace and the renewal it brings.  So, let’s not allow fear to overcome our lives and succumb to unreasonable false claims of the political left.  Neither fear of the pandemic, nor the fear of a new Prime Minister should cause social paralysis.

We must carefully manage the income support of welfare programs, unemployment insurance, and poverty responses, to not bankrupt our future generation by going too far into the debt black hole of no return.  We can hope that voters realize that we are in the same national community and we depend on one another.  That includes healthcare, basic housing, and public safety.  How we manage our political business and take care of each other, will be how well future generations will survive and flourish.

Let’s hope that we can develop more truthful responses to climate change, without giving unfair advantages to our competitors like China through misguided agreements like the Paris Accord.  Let’s hope that our Healthcare is allowed to evolve rather than keep sinking under the deathly load of ideology.  Let’s create a positive climate for work, as the best social support program for most ills is a good job.  We help those who cannot, but must be vigilant about those who won’t help themselves.  These are very important issues, and there have to be logical ways to address them without tripling our healthcare costs and creating financial disincentives.

I am hoping in 2023 we have more reasonable political debates, and stop the big lie in Parliament from the government, so we get to better solutions.  Let’s hope that traditional Canadian manners and social reserve bring more interpersonal respect, while we respect the right to protest within reason and avoid becoming a country of fanatics that protest everything just because we can do so.

A most recent example of dividing and ‘nation poisoning’ was from the Prime Minister, when he spun lies about the Leader of the Official Opposition.  Who can forget this disgrace when he said: “Mr. Poilievre might choose to undermine our democracy by amplifying conspiracy theories.  He might decide to run away from journalists when they ask him tough questions.  That's how he brands himself, and that's his choice.  But when he says that Canada is broken, that is where we draw the line.  This is Canada and in Canada better is always possible, but I don't accept Canadians and politicians that talk down our country.  Let me be very clear for the record. Canada is not broken.”

Canadians are still strong, but Parliament has been debased, as the Liberal rot has even infected the so-called neutral Speakers Chair.  This phony actor Prime Minister is very bold in his lies.  He has debased Parliament, and sadly too many are taken in by it.  He asserts whoppers with a smile.  In this respect, Canada is in a sad state.  Additionally, turning a blind eye to breaking ethics laws has become common for the Trudeau Liberals.  While Canadians suffer under their disastrous policies, they hand out special contracts to their friends.

Administratively, the divide-and-conquer approach hurts Canada deeply.  Let’s all hope for equity in the law, and that groups like law-abiding gun users are not targeted.  Criminals are not going to surrender their illegal guns.  Let’s also hope that law enforcement can prosecute enough to protect others, and end the NDP-style catch-and-release response to street crime.  Let’s also hope that we do not wind up in a country where a government can have peaceful protestors abused for their own photo ops and political posturing.  Let’s govern from the bottom up as “we the people” and work to make our democracy strong, and that our leaders respond to what we need, not what their mythical ideologies compel them to do.  We trust that the big legacy media operations will raise their standards of fairness and truth.  Sadly, the nation has noticed the drift away from publishing accurate, fair, and balanced news.

Let’s hope our scientists continue to make progress towards effective and safe vaccines, and that we have a strong enough economy, where most can find work, and the nation can afford its social safety net.  Let’s not just mainly try to eradicate Covid, but also remember we are striving for better ways to treat cancer, and heart disease.  Let’s hope our medical community and first responders get a break.  Those that worked in harm's way during the pandemic need some risk bonus.  A sensible society rewards those who put their lives at risk for us.

There is power in education to unite communities, so that we can work together to overcome barriers like poverty and racism.  Let’s hope that we continue to clean up our oceans with new inventions, innovate our landfills, and protect our freshwater supplies.  Let’s hope we continue to rebuild our infrastructure of roads and bridges, as the freedom to safely travel and move goods is basic to social prosperity.

Let’s continue to support the exploration of space and participate in international projects.  Let’s remember that even while we argue our political ideas, we are Canadians who look out for each other, and we are a caring community of neighbours.

Let's hope that we will see fewer natural disasters and more ways to prevent damage to our communities through active adaptation.  Let’s understand that we are living in an imperfect world and that political evil still abounds, so we must never tire to defend our freedoms.

Let’s hope our entrepreneurs build real value while protecting basic family life.  We hope for the health and success of our families.  Let’s hope for peace in the world, and that the progress toward peace in the Middle East continues.  We pray that the evil Russian invasion will end.  We hope we have a prosperous year where no one is left behind, but we do it without going bankrupt.

Let’s hope that our children find love and peace.  Let’s focus on what we believe in, what binds us together, and what gives us strength.  May the Canadian way of Peace, Order, and Good Government be rediscovered.  Happy New Year 2023.

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