Monday, 11 October 2021


Thanksgiving is essentially spiritual. — rather than just being a fall festival, or a day where we might eat too much and plan for seasonal sales at our favourite store, — we can go back to our historical and spiritual roots as we give thanks to God.  We can follow tradition, by repenting and asking for God’s forgiveness for our personal sins, and our nation’s perverseness.

We should seek to reconcile with others and apologize for any harm we have caused.  Our actions should reflect our grateful hearts.  We should thank God for the good people in our lives.  We can acknowledge God's blessings, as we enjoy a meal with friends and family.

Just having an attitude of gratefulness is not enough.  We need to say "thank you" to God for the wonderful things He has done for us.  When we give thanks to God for the good things in our lives, we are honoring His provision, protection, and steadfast love, for God is love.  Saying "thank you" by honouring God, for what He has done for us, is an appropriate response to God's provision.

May we humbly pray … We give thanks to You, Lord God Almighty, who was and is, and is to come, for You have taken your great power and You reign in our hearts.  On Thanksgiving Day, we pause and thank You for the blessings surrounding us; for another day, for family, friends, for food on the table.  You are the source of all good things, and we praise You for the simple things that bring us joy.  Help us keep perspective of all creation and on its source and sustainer, You dear God.  We thank You for love, on this day and every day, so our lives may be filled with praise and joy.  Amen.


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