Monday, 4 January 2021

Remember when?


Remember when the NEW YORK TIMES told the world the following, one year ago?  We now know that China lied, and that by then, they had many sick and dead, but they were trying to “save face”.  Then later they invented the soon discredited story about bats and a “wet market”, while they kept quiet about their many laboratory experimentations.

NEW YORK TIMES  -  THURSDAY, JAN. 9, 2020.Sui-Lee Wee and Donald McNeil gave us the breaking news that researchers in China have identified a new virus that is behind a mysterious pneumonialike illness that has caused a panic in the central Chinese region. “There’s no evidence that the virus, a coronavirus, is readily spread by humans, and it has not been tied to any deaths,” they write. “But health officials in China and internationally are watching it carefully.”

VANCOUVER SUN  -  Jan 11, 2020   Man dies of unknown virus in China, sparking fears of SARS-like outbreak    In total, 41 people have been diagnosed with the pathogen, which preliminary lab tests cited by Chinese state media earlier this week pointed to a new type of coronavirus, the Wuhan Municipal Health Commission said in a statement on its website.  It said the pathogen was an “unknown cause of viral pneumonia.”  Two have been discharged from hospital and the rest are in stable condition, while 739 people deemed to have been in close contact with the patients have been cleared, it said.

China’s National Health Commission said in a separate statement that it would share information on the genome sequence of the coronavirus with the WHO to safeguard global health security.  However, in 2003, Chinese officials covered up a SARS outbreak for weeks before a growing death toll and rumors forced the government to reveal the epidemic. The disease spread rapidly to other cities and countries. More than 8,000 people were infected and 775 died.

After reflecting on those dates, a year after COVID-19 broke out in Wuhan city, Chinese authorities still claimed at a recent regular press briefing that China has been open and cooperative with the World Health Organization (WHO) in its handling of the CCP virus. However, local residents who have dared to speak, disagree.  At a press conference on Dec. 29,2020, a reporter asked about the allegations regarding the Chinese regime’s attempts to cover up the outbreak.  The Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson, Wang Wenbin, claimed that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) was “open, transparent, and timely” in its COVID-19 response.  However, Wuhan residents said the CCP has lied about informing the people about the outbreak.  

The earliest CCP official virus patient was detected on Dec. 1, 2019, according to the western medical journal ‘The Lancet’, using Chinese reports.  However, the first confirmed cases were actually traced back to early 2019, from uncovered Chinese documents.

CCP placed people under control instead of the pandemic.  The local authorities confined residents to their homes and brought them under harsh surveillance.  Anyone who broke the rules would face a quarantine at their own expense.  It was to control information rather than the virus.

The CCP intentionally concealed the actual number of infections.  Authorities declared that the outbreak had been placed under control after hundreds of quarantined patients were transferred from a local hospital to a different area.  No reporting, no infections  -that was the logic.  If locals said something different, they called it ‘spreading rumors,’ or ‘provoking trouble’, or ‘subverting state power”.  Those charges were used to arrest critics.

Now with over a year of experience, the CCP can no longer hide that it has been concealing their actual COVID-19 death toll from the public.  Local funeral facilities were in desperate need of incinerators, and mobile incinerators from other areas were brought into Wuhan and they operated 24 hours a day.  Even at a single funeral home, at least 6,000 bodies were burned.  Based on reasonable calculations, the death toll was likely tens of thousands in Wuhan, far surpassing the official death toll of 3,869 as of April 17.

It is now clear that the Chinese authorities significantly understated the gravity of the outbreak in the beginning for political reasons.  Subsequently, their various reporting data to the WHO has never been reliable.  The West should impose sanctions on the CCP instead of holding a dialogue.

(source significantly based on Epoch Times material)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for chiming in. You get it, as you agree with the book "Claws of the Panda" by Manthorpe. There are many reports of aggressive behavior by China. They steal industrial secrets and patents. They are not fair international traders. They are aggressive militarily. They have no concept of "human rights" even though they belong to the UN, and are supposed to follow its declarations and agreements. China is a dangerous rogue monolith that we must defend against.