Wednesday, 14 August 2019

SNC-Lavalin Scandal Report

SNC-Lavalin Scandal Report – August 14, 2019
ISSUE: Justice Obstruction by the Prime Minister
Justin Trudeau tried to interfere in a criminal court case, and when he got caught, he shut down multiple investigations, and then tried to distract Canadians by launching a technical study into the possible separation of the role of Minister of Justice and Attorney General.
Dion, the ethics commissioner found that the authority of the Prime Minister was used to circumvent and discredit the decision of the Director of Public Prosecutions as well as the authority of Justice Minister WilsonRaybould, the Crown's chief law officer.
As a distraction tactic, Trudeau appointed former Liberal Cabinet Minister Anne McLellan as an “independent advisor”, despite that when appointed, she was scheduled to campaign at Liberal Party fundraisers.  McLellan’s report made a few minor recommendations, but supports the present administrative structure without any change.
During the height of the SNC-Lavalin corruption scandal, Justin Trudeau and the Liberals made it clear just how far they will go break the rules to economically benefit their friends (international corporate offenders), then try to cover-up their schemes.
Justin Trudeau isn't just demeaning his office, he's damaging our entire political system. He has once again broken basic trust with Canadians.  What Trudeau doesn’t understand is that the problem isn’t with the rules, the problem is with Liberals who break the rules. 

Trudeau promised accountability and transparency.  However, the record reveals that he is very ethically challenged.  Conservatives will hold him to account on behalf of Canadians in the weeks ahead, until he can be replaced.

1 comment:

Les Zsoldos said...

It's important to respect prosecutorial independence.