August 17, 2017
Over the past few days, the CIJA
team has reflected on last weekend’s shameful events in Charlottesville,
assessing what it means for our community in Canada.
We are horrified by the images
emerging from Charlottesville. Displays of Nazism and white supremacy are
shocking and disgusting to all people of good will. For our community,
particularly for “Survivors”, they are especially jarring and remind us of our
darkest moments in history. For those outside the Jewish community,
Charlottesville should serve as a stark reminder that antisemitism is real,
destructive, and inextricably linked with other forms of racism and hate.
The Jewish community knows the impact
of this hatred all too well. Even in a pluralistic country such as Canada, Jews
remain the most targeted religious community for hate crimes. Clearly, we are
not immune. But neither are we alone. Canada is among the best places in the
world to be Jewish.
I wanted to share a few
reflections on the situation in Canada to add perspective to a challenging
1. The Security Situation in
Canada is Unchanged
The first thing to note is that
the security situation for our community in Canada has not changed. In concert
with our Federation partners who are the foundation of the National Community
Security Program (NCSP), which CIJA coordinates, we maintain excellent
relations with law enforcement at all levels. We are in continual contact with
them and we monitor developments closely. I can confirm that there is no
intelligence whatsoever to indicate that the threat to our community has
2. Our Allies Far Outnumber Our
Second, despite having promoted
their appalling event weeks in advance, the white supremacists behind the
Charlottesville rally managed to gather only a few hundred people from across a
country of 320 million. By comparison, with only 24 hours’ notice, a diverse
crowd of more than 1,000 gathered at my synagogue in Ottawa last November to
unite in the face of a spree of hateful graffiti.
This is just one example that
shows that for every anti-semite who peddles their disgusting ideology in
Canada, we have countless allies willing to stand with our community. In that
spirit, we will be working with our interfaith partners and other leaders in
civil society to demonstrate that – together – we will not be silent during
these challenging times. You can expect to see a very public display of
solidarity across communities in the coming weeks.
3. We Must Build Upon Our
Strengths to Defeat Hate
In democracies like Canada, it’s
clear that white supremacists and neo-Nazis have lost the battle of ideas. In
their worldview, there is no place for the democratic freedoms, pluralism, and
equality that define our country. The vast majority of Canadians reject their
toxic ideology. This does not mean we can be complacent, far from it. But, in
our vigilance, we must remember that they – not we – are the ones who are in a
position of weakness and illegitimacy.
Charlottesville should be a
personal call to action for each of us to take an active role in the fight
against antisemitism and hate. The best way an individual can fight hatred is
to confront it immediately when they see it, whether on the bus, on the
internet, or during social interactions. It takes courage, but it is necessary
to preserve everything we value.
We will continue to work with our
partners in the NCSP to monitor the security situation, including copy-cat
rallies in Canada such as those expected in Vancouver this weekend and in
Toronto in September, and we will be sure to keep you informed. If you hear of
a rally in your community, I would be grateful if you let us know.
We will also continue making the
case, in media and in our conversations with officials, that antisemitism –
regardless of the ideology from which it emanates – is not just a Jewish problem.
Left unchecked, it can destroy everything a democratic society values.
These are my observations, but I
want to know what you think. Please connect with us by engaging with us on
Facebook, or getting involved with our work in your community.
Together, we will stand up to
hatred and protect what we cherish.
Sincerely, Shimon Koffler Fogel, Chief
Executive Officer, Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs
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